Ways To Prevent Respiratory Allergies During Monsoon!

respiratory allergies

Respiratory problems are common in the elderly and can increase the risk for other health problems. Many people with respiratory problems have difficulty breathing. These problems can be caused by a variety of factors, including age, illness, smoking, and exercise. Treatment depends on the cause of the problem and the person’s symptoms. In India, during the monsoon season, respiratory problems are common. This is because the humidity is high and air pollution is high. This season, it is important to stay healthy and avoid getting respiratory problems. If you are someone who is getting conscious and wish to prevent monsoon respiratory allergies, keep reading as here we are sharing some of the best tips for you. Let’s have a look!

Tips to prevent respiratory allergies this monsoon:

In this section we will help you to know about the tips that are helpful in preventing respiratory allergy this monsoon season:

·   Watch Out for the Air Quality Index:

If you live in a region that experiences monsoon allergies, it’s important to keep an eye on the air quality index. When air quality is not good, it can be difficult to breathe. This is because unhealthy air particles can travel up your nose and into your lungs. When you experience allergies, your body releases histamines in response to the air particles. Histamines are harmful to your health, so if you’re experiencing an allergic reaction to the air, it’s best to avoid areas with high levels of pollutants.

·   Keep yourself away from allergens:

There are many things you can do to prevent your allergies from developing in the first place. One of the best ways to reduce your chances of developing monsoon allergies is to stay away from allergens. Monsoon weather is notorious for bringing in a plethora of allergens, which can lead to an allergic reaction. By avoiding allergens, you will likely experience a less severe allergic response and averted attacks throughout the year.

·   Use Your AC Wisely to prevention from monsoon allergies:

If you have an allergy to the pollen in monsoon seasons, using an air conditioning unit wisely is a great way to avoid getting sick. In India and many other parts of the world, summertime is the time of year when the sun’s heat and humidity become unbearable. This can lead to an allergy to pollen, which is why it is important to use air conditioning units in cool, dark rooms or apartments with few windows.

Read More: What to do if you have an Allergy in 2022?

·   Stay Warm and Dry to avoid catching a cold:

Stay warm and dry during the monsoon season to avoid catching a cold. The monsoon is a time of year when the weather becomes highly humid and windy. This can lead to a build-up of sweat and bacteria, which can cause an allergic reaction. To prevent developing allergies, it is important to stay warm and dry throughout the monsoon season.

·   Pay Close Attention to Your Daily Diet:

One way to avoid monsoon allergies is to pay close attention to your daily diet. The right foods to eat during the monsoon season can help prevent the development of this common allergy.

·   Increase vitamin C intake:

If you are susceptible to monsoon allergies, increasing your vitamin C intake may be a good way to prevent the condition. When pollen blooms, the air contains a high level of histamines. This can cause allergic reactions in people with a history of allergies, so it is important to be proactive and increase your vitamin C intake if you are at risk.

Read More: How much does an allergy test cost in Jaipur?

·   Drink clean water to prevention from monsoon allergies

People who are allergic to the pollen during monsoon season are advised to drink clean water rather than using the polluted water that comes with the season. This is because dirty water can lead to more allergies and it also contains other allergens that can cause problems.

·   Increase probiotic intake:

The monsoon season is a time when the humidity and pollen levels are high. This can cause allergies in people who are exposed to these allergens. One way to prevent allergies is to increase probiotic intake. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that have been shown to help reduce inflammation and improve breathing.

·   Avoid junk food to prevention from monsoon allergies:

It is easy to become addicted to junk food when it is convenient and easy to find. However, this can lead to problems in your life if you cannot resist the food. If you have an allergic reaction to any of the foods in your diet, it is important to avoid them altogether. This can help prevent your allergies from becoming a full-blown problem.

·   Destroy breeding grounds for mosquitoes:

In the last few years, many people have become allergic to mosquito bites. Many of them are affected by allergies and suffer from severe skin rashes. These allergies can be caused by a variety of different allergens such as dust mites, cockroaches, molds, and some household products. The problem is that these allergens are not only present in the outdoors but also in our homes. So it is very important to make sure that we keep our house clean and free from any potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes.

·   Add a disinfectant to the bathwater:

When there is a monsoon, the first thing to do is to take a bath. This will help to reduce the chances of getting allergic reactions and other allergic diseases.

Read More: What Are Pollen Allergies?

·   Care for your fruits and vegetables to prevention from monsoon allergies

Fruit and vegetables are the most important sources of antioxidants, which help to prevent diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. Antioxidants protect our bodies from free radicals that can cause damage to cells and organs. These also help to keep our blood pressure at a healthy level. A good way to protect ourselves against monsoon allergies is by eating fruits and vegetables regularly.

Whom to approach?

Whenever you are dealing with respiratory allergies it is important to reach out to the best pulmonologist around. In Jaipur, you can approach Dr. Pankaj Gulati.

He is one of the best pulmonologists in Jaipur you can approach for the treatment and discuss the allergies you are dealing with. Along with suggesting the medication, he will suggest some preventive measures that will prevent further progression of the allergy. Just follow all the precautions he is suggesting!


Q.1 Are respiratory allergies common in the monsoon season?

Yes, respiratory allergies are common in the monsoon season. This happens due to the changes in the environment. It is important to figure out what is triggering your allergy and seek the medical attention right away.

Q.2 How can monsoon allergies be prevented?

In order to prevent monsoon allergies, it is important to take enough precautions. If you are more prone to allergies ask the pulmonologist about what to do and what not to do during this season.

Q.3 Is there any tea available to deal with monsoon allergies?

Green tea is helpful in dealing with monsoon allergies. It is advisable to drink it twice or thrice a day for better results.

Q.4 Can increase Vitamin C intake be helpful in maintaining health during monsoon?

Yes, Vitamin C intake is helpful in maintaining health during monsoon season.

Q.5 How to stop allergies immediately?

Antihistamines are helpful in stopping allergies immediately. Ask the doctor regarding about with dosage you can consume.